Politics is said to be activities associated with the governance of a country, state or an area. This activity requires conscious effort of development of an individual to govern. In recent time, Tertiary institutions have seen students developing the interest to govern fellow student in various capacity. They contest and be elected for a specific period in office. Campus Focus Reporter Rachael Erinfolami in this interview with the outgoing President of College of Education Ikere Ekiti, Hon. Comr. Ajifa Tolulope revealed his experience in Students governance
Can I Meet You?
My name is Hon. Comr. Ajifa Tolulope Victor, a student of college of education Ikere Ekiti in Ekiti state. From the department of fine/applied art in the faculty of National Association of Vocational And Technical Education students (NAVATES). Am a native of Ikere Ekiti in Ekiti state. Am a Christian and a Nigerian. I love to play musical instruments, drum to be precise.
You emerged as President and Now in few months you will be handing over. What would you say about your Victory when you contested then, were you expecting it?
About the election, one thing I know and I believe is that ‘Election is not do or die’. I never thought I will win or lose, but I have the mind that whatever will be, will be. When I heard about the victory, I was very happy and also I was scared of how to control the whole student but indeed I was very happy to hear the news.
Tell us more about your background?
As have said earlier on, I came from a notable family in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti state. Am the first child in a family of four boys. I have two brothers. My parents are civil servants.
Who motivated your passion for politics in the Institution?
One of my leaders and mentor in Campus then, Comr..Lawal kamorudeen (P.K.A Junkun), called me at a certain point and told me to go for the post. He motivated me and I decided to join the race.
Now as the outgoing president, how have you been able to implement your Agenda?
It has been God sincerely. I believe if God is not involved, human effort are vain. Secondly, through the cooperation of my co-executives. Furthermore, with the cooperation of the entire Nigerian students. And cooperation with the school management (division of student affairs) coupled with the good advice from the past leaders.
How have you been able to work with the school management to achieve your agenda?
Though it’s wasn’t easy, but first thing I see there is loyalty, you have to be loyal in the sense that you also seek out for the school management consent before carrying out or implementing the ideas or agenda. There is a yoruba adage that says ‘omode to ba mowo we aba agba jeun’. You have to be submissive and also be good to them at all time.
What are your challenges in the office so far?
It has not been easy to combine school politics with academics. You find yourself sometimes missing classes and test but I thank God. I never missed any Examination. To control the whole student of this citadel of learning is another challenge on its own. Managing human and material resources. Receiving different advise and choosing the best out of it after shuffling it out is another challenge. Some students will even accuse me over what I knew nothing about. It has been a journey of struggle.
Can you tell us about your achievement so far?
Well, some of our achievements are the resuscitation of the students’ judiciary council (SJC) that has been existing for over 7 years now. We brought back the social life on campus through the following program; Campus street vibes (Vol. 1&2), An elaborated maize day, bringing of a well reputable comedian well known (Ayo Ajewole..aka woli Agba) to the campus, Production of Souvenir for the Nigeria students, promotion of peace and unity in campus. Also we carried out the resuscitation of the Student Union Government (SUG) villa to a good standard.
Tell us about your role model or mentor?
My first mentor and role model is my daddy, Mr. Aderemi Ajifa. I will forever remember my leader and mentor, Hon. Comr. Kamorudeen Lawal. He has always been a good leader and mentor to me, Also my past leaders Comr. Awosemo Temitope (a.k.a Tallest), Comr. Okeawo Anthony (a.k.a who can can), Comr.Fakunle Benjamin (a.k.a Benfak), and also my political fathers, Mr. O.O. Taiwo (Director of Student Affairs C.O.E Ikere), Mr. O.S Ajayi (Dean of Student Affairs C.O.E, Ikere Ekiti).
How would you describe your academic performance throughout the period of governance?
By the grace of God, my academic grade is still good, the school politics never affect my academic grade. And am leaving the school with a good grade by his grace.
What is your hope for the future, which profession do you wish to practice after school?
I love business, and I will love to continue with my business after school, presently, I have like five (5) business that am doing ,they are: graphic design, shirt production, branding, crytocurrency, online TV.
What is your advice for the incoming president?
Just a simple advice. For decision making, be very careful and vigilant, you need to leap before you jump, the 1st of 44th law of power says and I quoted “Never outshine your master”. Have a listening ear and take to advice from your predecessor that are good, experience is the best teacher, they have experienced more than you. Gather advice and choose the best out of it. Another thing is that, to win election is easy but the power to rule is the big deal. Don’t be an island of knowledge and also don’t be a dullard.
What will you have loved to do better if you are opportune?
I will love to change the notion that SUG no longer has positive impact on the Student.
If you are President of Nigeria today, what will you do better?
If at this young age am opportuned to be the president of Nigeria that means it is clear that youths are not too young to rule. I will move for more youth inclusiveness in governance and focus more on youth empowerment. If youths are empowered, Crime will be reduced and the country will be a better place for all of us. And this certainly doesn’t mean I will leave out the grown up.