Injury to 700 Sokoto Students; Injury to All Citizen by Rahmandan Minjinyawa


YES indeed, if one students is maltreated then all students, parents, brothers and sisters in fact the whole state are maltreated.

Zamfara state students have patiently obeyed and support government in all its endeavors despite the fact that the government has sort out students throughout its schedules.

It has now reached to a stage where the difficulties that zamfara students are facing cannot be hided.

Zamfara students has since last year expecting zamfara state government to give them the promisen scholarship that they have been verified since last year but yet nothing on ground as you send a blind deaf to a market.

Again zamfara state students were regarded as slaves in some other states due to the lack of encouragement by the state government.

This states we are popularly and regarded as one, but now when both the two states realise that zamfara state government are not given education due consideration he deserves. The two state decided to sort out zamfara among its catchment area.

On this catchment area both kebbi, zamfara and sokoto were regarded as one I.e SOKEZA by then, but now it becomes a history. Because we are no more!

This sorting out of zamfara state students among the catchment area by sokoto state government will lead to dropout of so many zamfara state students from the school.

The sokoto state government has introduced the unexpected Tuition fee to the good students of zamfara state studying in sokoto state university, sokoto. The new tuition fee that was introduced is N60, 000,00 per students additional to the normal fee of either 39,000,00 or 49,000,00 which amount the sum of 99,000,00 or 109.000,00 per one students.

Please let’s observe something, if a father is earing 30,000 as a monthly salary and has two children in ssu then what wll happen where would he get that huge amount of money that he’ll settle that problems??

If this problems were not settled and zamfara state students were send back home what will you expect? They’ll turn to another gang, either to be thieves, thugs, culturist or something very annoying which we don’t want.

The Registration will commence on 29th of October 2018 The government of Kebbi state has put an helping hand into the matter.

Now Remain zamfara state government.To our Students, Why are we easily manipulated, why don’t we challenge ourselves and fight to make things right, why do we allow ourselves to tolerate some actions that under-rate our personalities, especially as Students in the University, why do we allow politicians and cheap people with authority to decide, define and impose certain policies that are not favorable to us. I beg all of us, in the name of *Allah,* not to allow this *act of carlousness, carelessness, recklessness and personalities mutilation.*
We must change today for a better tomorrow. We and brainstomed not brainwashed. We are learning, not lagging.

We are Students, we are the future, we are the youths, we are the back born, we are the building blocks of zamfara state State, we decide what happen and what doesn’t happen.

-Let’s all rise and demand for the urgent intervention.

If other minor States could achieve that, why not zamfara state.
-Remember who you are, remember your worth as a *University Student and a vibrant youth, remember that even without Scholarship you have paid your fees before but now it has reached to where your energy elapsed;* *consequencies.* If we all rise together, we will achieve together, and the future will be brighter for us together.

-Let us advocate, let us speak out, let us condemn the bad and appraise the good, no matter whose ox is gored. *Kindly Share till it is considered and actualized.* Thank You all.

_Yours in struggle,_
*Comr.Ramadan* *mijinyawa* .
“`Voice of zamfara state“` “`students

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