Explore new prospects for self-employment, experts tell youths

Nigerian youths have been enjoined to leverage the new opportunities in the economy for self-employment.

A consortium of Nigerian new media experts, made the call on Saturday during a Digital Connect Conference organised by the Young People Connect Africa to discuss ways to stimulate digital entrepreneurship and innovation to address the unemployment crisis in Abuja.

This is in view of its 20-country youth unemployment list published last April, The Spectator Index, which placed Nigeria’s unemployment rate at 53 per cent, the second highest number of unemployed youths worldwide after South Africa’s 61 per cent.

“There was a time when anybody good in tech was assumed to come out of India. And that was a necessity due to the realities of their time. Now, we are faced with these realities as well.

“Nigeria has so many creative talents. Nigeria is Africa when it comes to creativity and music. Africa looks up to Nigeria.

“Beyond entertainment, more and more youths can be awakened to the opportunities in the new media space. The fact that you are from Nigeria does not mean that your market is necessarily Nigeria. And that’s why the global economy is such a beautiful thing: you can be here in Nigeria and exchange value with someone in Asia and derive value back.”

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